What’s The Record For The Longest Snapchat Streak?

Emerging as one of the most popular Social media platforms, Snapchat is best known for its captivating and unique features that users love to indulge in. Sharing snaps or videos is what youngsters are more fascinated by. Snapchat rewards its users by introducing lucrative features like Snapscore or Sanpastraek allowing users to stay connected with friends for longer days.

Snap Streak is the measurement of snaps and videos that you have shared with a particular friend for consecutive days for longer days. Snapchaters can see their snap streaks fire emojis along with the number of days how long they have streaked one another.

Many users enjoy sending snaps or photos to each other continuously to have a longer snap streak. Being a Snapchat user, you might be intrigue to know what is the longest snapchat streak. Read the post to know more about it.

What is Snapchat Streaks

Snapchat streaks are the measurement of how long you are connect with your friend for consecutive days and denote the number of days you have share a snap, photo, or video with one of your Snapchat friends.

Introduce on 6 April 2015, Snapchat streaks are very simple and you need to send snaps or videos once in a day regularly for consecutive 3 days, and then it is count as a Snapchat streak.  After three days of continuous sending of snaps and photos, a flame icon appears next to your friend’s name along with the days like 3, 4, or whatever and this is your Snapchat streak. You can get longer Snapchat streaks by sending a snap or video regularly to your friend.

What Is the Longest Snapchat Streak? 

Snapchat Streaks do not have any specific value, still, users have fun sharing snaps or videos with their friends once a day and are excited to maintain their streak with a friend for longer consecutive days.

Currently, the record for the longest snapchat streak ever belongs to the friends Hannah and Lauren Luckey who have maintained their streak for 7.5 years and have 3046+ Snap streaks till 2023.

With the days passing, various new names have been add to the list of longest Snapchat streaks and the current record may be transferred to others.

Despite having little importance, Snapchat streaks add an element of competition encouraging users to create the longest Snapchat streaks to stay in the competition.

List of the Longest Snapchat Streak holders 

  • Samko and Fatmis, 2492 (March 24, 2022)
  • Laura and Lisa, 2291 (March 1, 2022)
  • Arthur and Filippa, 2,146 (March 4, 2021)
  • Jeff and Teresa, 2,071 (March 10, 2021)
  • Shoshanna and Bridget, 2,043 (March 25, 2021)
  • Daniel and Robin, 2,034 (March 26, 2021)
  • Caitlin O’Mahony, 2,033 (December 3, 2020)
  • Ryan and Serg, 2,020 (August 31, 2020)
  • Alex and Raff, 2,000 (October 6, 2020)
  • Nina and Eva, 2,000 (December 16, 2020)

However, having on the top of the list of longest snapchat streak ever, doesn’t have any specific value, and still users are crazy about it and continue sending snaps with their friends to maintain the longest Snapstreak. 
To take a deeper dive into it you must visit the site Allinsider.net once.

Source – https://allinsider.net/longest-snapchat-streak/

For more read – https://blogiefy.com/