Stop sleepless nights – these natural insomnia treatments

Why do people get insomnia?

Insomnia can last for a long time or a short time. But it’s never fun, no matter how long you have to deal with it.

Most of us will have a short, unpleasant episode of sleeplessness at some point or another. Most of the time, it’s because of worry, a change in habit (like starting a new job or having a baby), or medicines that make it hard to sleep, like antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, allergy medicines, and corticosteroids. You should be able to get back to normal sleep patterns once you figure out how to deal with the problem.

But sometimes sleeplessness can last for a long time. Those things can happen when you have a more serious health problem, like sadness, worry, or sleep apnea. Bad sleep habits, such as eating too many heavy snacks before bed, sleeping in a place that is too hot or too cold, or spending the entire night hooked to your phone or computer, can sometimes cause insomnia.

In either case, not getting enough sleep makes you tired, angry, and unable to do much during the day. And over time, it can make you more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Regardless of the duration of your insomnia, there is usually a solution is zopiclone blue to improve your sleep quality. And, luckily, there are many choices to think about.

Why you shouldn’t take sleep aids

Sleeping pills, for example, can help you get through a short-term case of sleeplessness. A lot of people use them. However, a lot of the time, prescription sleep aids have bad side effects like headaches, sore muscles, constipation, dry mouth, feeling tired during the day, having trouble focusing, feeling dizzy, and more. It’s about the same, or worse, than not getting enough sleep when you add them all up.

The good thing is that most people who take sleeping pills don’t have any side effects. But even if you do, you probably won’t feel better for long. Most people quickly get used to how sleeping pills make them feel sleepy. Either you have to keep taking more and more of them to get the same result, or they stop working altogether.

It doesn’t add up to a healthy long-term answer either way. Sleeping pills are a lot like going on a crash diet. Yes, both could work for now. But if you want to sleep longer and better for the rest of your life, you need to make good sleep-supporting habits.

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That’s easier to do than you might think, though. We’ve listed below the many small and large changes you can make to your daily life to improve your sleep. We’ll also talk about tried-and-true plant treatments that can help you relax when you need them most, without the side effects that often come with prescription drugs.

Making time to work out

In case you forgot, being busy is important for getting a good night’s sleep. More and more research shows that people who work out daily sleep better than those who don’t, especially those who have trouble sleeping all the time.

Still not sure? Think about this.

One research

Researchers have found that individuals who exercise for an hour five days a week experience more normal REM sleep than those who do not exercise. You might not have to work out for that long, though, to get the effects. Another study shows that people with sleeplessness who work out for thirty minutes three or four times a week sleep almost an hour longer and wake up less often at night than people who don’t exercise.

Change your habits to help you sleep.

You are working out, letting in a lot of natural light, and eating better. Some good things about it will help you sleep, but there are other changes you could make to your life to sleep better. Thoughts on a few:

Putting it away for the night. The blue light that comes from your phone, tablet, or computer is a bit like coffee for electronics: it wakes you up instead of making you feel calm and ready to sleep. Make sure all of your electronics are off at least an hour before you go to sleep.

Nerves in your body know it’s time to relax and slow down when you take a warm shower before bed. This means that taking a shower before bed makes you feel sleepy. This suggests that it would be more beneficial during the night than when you wake up in the morning.

Smelling lavender before going to bed. You might not believe it, but the smell can change how you feel. Aromatherapy can help you relax and reduce stress by filling your bedroom with scents such as lavender, spikenard, votive, frankincense, myrrh, and clary sage.


Get cozy under a heavy blanket. A lot of people sleep with a weighted blanket, but you might also find it helpful to use it in the evening on the way to bed to help you relax. A weighted blanket, after all, can help you in more ways than just at night.

Lastly, don’t forget how strong a very cozy bedroom can be. If you’ve ever tossed and turned all night because your room was too hot or your couch was uncomfortable, you know how hard it is to fall asleep and stay asleep. Plus, if you already have long-term pain, the situation gets even worse.